make money online

Cara paling simple membayar tanpa cash atau kad debit/kredit!

Orang bilang, zaman sekarang tidak kira saiz dompet besar ka kecil itu tidak membezakan berapa banyak duit didalam bank. Kalau dulu siapa dompet paling tebal, istilahnya memang konfirm banyak duit! Tapi sekarang, bawa smartphone bejalan jalan saja pun dalam bank beribu-ribu! Tapi takkan mau bawa duit beribu ribu kalau ada tempat yg selamat untuk simpan… Continue reading Cara paling simple membayar tanpa cash atau kad debit/kredit!

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How to get discovered on Instagram using namecard

Hi Lovelies! Just wanted to let you know, Instagram has rolled out another interesting feature!! And its super cool. Yes, it is! But you haven't noticed about this instagram namecard yet, you better check it yourself. I bet some of you never expect to see this new feature on instagram but this will definitely bring… Continue reading How to get discovered on Instagram using namecard

best product, Lifestyle, malaysia, online shopping, shopping, skincare, Woman

Unleash youthfulness with Sothys

Most of us do believe in love at the first sight, at least that is what I believe. But how about believing in magic touch? Do you believe it? I'm not talking about casting a spell, but I'm talking how fingers' movement can actually do wonders in your life. Believe it or not, you'll find at… Continue reading Unleash youthfulness with Sothys


Macamana mau buat duit dari online? (Step by step guide)

Pernahkah kamu tefikir.. "Bagusnya kalau ada yg tunjuk saya pasal internet ni, bolehlah saya minta tunjuk macamana buat duit secara online. Macam senang saja mau buat bah!" Tapi hakikatnya memang kamu bingung-bingung kan? Sebab ada yang berabis mau tekan-tekan tapi tidak juga pandai-pandai. Jadi saya tunjuk kamu satu contoh paling ringkas macamana kamu boleh buat… Continue reading Macamana mau buat duit dari online? (Step by step guide)

Lifestyle, malaysia, online shopping, saving money, shopping

Cashless is a new trend

I'm beyond happy with this digital improvement. I'm not really even "expert" in this so-called internet thing and technology though, but I really do appreciate those who trying to make our lives better. Nowadays, we've got a choice to live better! I have been using these new trend since I got introduced to it and… Continue reading Cashless is a new trend

frugal lives, Lifestyle, make money online, malaysia, online shopping, saving money, shopping, Uncategorized

Top 5 Online Shopping sites in Malaysia

Yes I do love shopping! Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching among alternative vendors. There are more… Continue reading Top 5 Online Shopping sites in Malaysia

Childhood, Fashion, Leader, Lifestyle, Motivation, Uncategorized, Woman

How to be a “Fashionista Sister”

A sister can be anyone in her family. She can be a mother (believe me, sister can nag all day long without being tired and that's me lol) She can be a father too (i mean like, she can be a decision maker in any situation whenever the parents are out) She can be a… Continue reading How to be a “Fashionista Sister”

Childhood, Leader, Lifestyle, Motivation

A sister is a leader

Once a sister is always a sister. Being called as a sister is actually a real blessing. And thanks God I'm a sister! (Whose with me?) (Psst..younger sister, don't get jealous! You've got your own specialty. Each of everyone in the family is a blessing to each other. So whether you are a brother or… Continue reading A sister is a leader